


This stuffed french toast looks absolutely delicious!  Breakfast.....without a doubt, is my favorite meal of the day.  It feels strange to say that because in the past I would run out the door on a busy work day skipping breakfast entirely and wondering why I was exhausted by mid morning, but as of late, I am choosing to have something for breakfast every day.  Most days it's something quick and easy, yogurt with granola and fruit or a protein shake.  

But, on my days off, I want something special, something that involves lots of syrup, and country style homefries with onions and fresh herbs, that would just bring it to another level!  Growing up my mother made french toast, pancakes or egg-on-a-rock for breakfast on the weekends, actually, by the time we rolled out of bed it was more like brunch, I looked forward to it all week.  She has added crepes to her repetoire, the best!  Christmas Day brunch, my favorite, we have my father's famous frittata with italian toasted bread and after opening a few gifts and resting a bit, to make room for the second course, I make waffles for everyone.  Last year I thought I might change things up a bit and make something new, but was hit with much resistance from my nieces and nephew, so waffles it remains.  A friend of mine gave me an ebelskiver maker as a gift.  Ebelskivers are light, fluffy sphere-shaped pancakes that can be filled with any kind of filling you can imagine! 




I have so many warm memories of sharing breakfast with my family and friends.  I hope this weekend you crack open a few eggs and create a wonderful breakfast memory of your own!


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